[Kmymoney] HowTo enter reinvestments of dividends?

Allan agander93 at gmail.com
Sun Sep 28 17:09:01 UTC 2014

On 28/09/14 16:34, Stefan wrote:
> Hello,
> how can i enter an automatically reinvested dividend for fonds where
> parts of the dividend must be payed for taxes and cannot be reinvested?
> German users probably know this...
> I have a fond A:
> dividend payed: 30,45 EUR
> Tax (Kapitalertragsteuer): -8,36 EUR
> Tax (Zinsabschlagsteuer): -0,45 EUR
> Reinvestment: 21,65 EUR as 0,406 shares with 52,96 EUR per share
> KMyMoney is hiding to much text input fields after selecting
> "Reinvestment / Wiederanlage der Dividende" - therefor i cannot enter it
> correctly, or, using the field for (split) charges it calculates wrong
> values that i cannot change as needed.
> Thanks,
> Stefan

I thought this would be fairly straight forward, but No.

The Reinvest transaction appears to cope just with a straight-forward 
reinvestment, where the total dividend is used to purchase extra securities.

I was expecting to be able to use splits to account for the taxation 
aspects, however, as I discovered earlier today there is no split 
capability on reinvestments.

Further, it appears not possible to create new categories in the split 
editor, say for a fee.  If a new category is entered, it gets cleared 
when another field is entered, with no warning.  It's necessary to 
create the new categories first, then create the splits.

I'm afraid at the moment, it appears necessary to create multiple 
transactions to accomplish this.  Not very nice.

Please would you raise a bug report at https://bugs.kde.org.


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