[Kmymoney] Importing multi currency data from Quicken 2008

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Mon Sep 22 07:48:33 UTC 2014


On Sunday 21 September 2014 14:55:39 krpasundarananda at gmail.com wrote:

> Hello,
> Happy to hear the issue is already fixed! I'll have to wait for the next
> version as I am not sure how to compile it.
> Two other small issues that came up during the import adventure.
> 1) How to set up the conversion rates.
>   a) In Quicken they are set but I do not know if those rates are
> exported into the qif file. I don't think so.

I think if there are some present they will be imported as well,  but I am not 

>   b) I could not find how to set the rates KMM. I see a list with
> currencies (in the tool menu) where I can add and delete currencies but
> I could not find how to set the exchange rate in relation to the base
> currency.

Please check http://docs.kde.org/stable/en/extragear-office/kmymoney/details.currencies.prices.html

> I'd think if I set all the currencies after importing the ledger
> structure the conversions should go correct when I import the data. Is
> that correct?
> 2) When importing a qif file it sets the creation date of the ledgers
> according to the date of import. One can't add transactions before that
> date unless manually changing the creation date of the ledger. Easy to
> do but I guess more logical if the creation date is set to the oldest
> transaction in the imported ledger.

Quicken has a mechanism to export an opening balance transaction. If that is 
found, the date assigned to it is taken as the account opening date. 
Otherwise, I don't know. It could well be, that the behavior you describe is 
what KMyMoney does. Using the date of the earliest transaction is a good idea 
and should be used. If that is not the case, we need to change it. Can you 
please verify and open a ticket on https://bugs.kde.org ? Thanks in advance.

> As I decided not to import the full 10 years of date but just the last 2
> (or more for ledgers where still relevant) I will need to manually add
> an opening balance for each ledger at the oldest date. If that date gets
> automatically set during the import it saves changing the creation dates
> of 70 ledgers.

You can use the account detail editor to change both the opening date and the 
opening balance in one go. It will create the necessary transaction for you. 
See http://docs.kde.org/stable/en/extragear-office/kmymoney/details.accounts.edit.html 

> Thanks so much! And please let me know where to send a donation to
> support the work.
> I am a monk doing my work with out pay. I depend on donations to do my
> work so I do want to my bit in return for others who voluntary give
> their time in service to humanity.

https://userbase.kde.org/KMyMoney#Donations has some hints. Or simply donate 
to the KDE project itself which you can do via Paypal on http://www.kde.org/



Thomas Baumgart

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