[Kmymoney] Needing some guidance about accounts x categories x tags

Joao Roscoe joao.roscoe at gmail.com
Wed Oct 8 16:25:14 UTC 2014

Dear Srs,

I'm a kmymoney beginner, trying to figure out the accounts/categories/tags
setup that would best fit my needs, and I'm in need of some guidance.
In gnucash everything is an account, while in kmymoney we have three
different ways to classify transactions. While tags are distinct in the way
that it will be possible to attach more than one tag to a single
transaction, the difference between accounts and categories is not clear
for me, so far. I could, for instance, have two accounts under liabilities
- bills and loans - and several accounts under bills, for instance
cellphone, utility and gym membership. I could also have all those as
categories, and have all transactions in single checkings account. What
would be the sensible approach?

Best regards,
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