[Kmymoney] (no subject)

Gary Kirkpatrick pegngary at gmail.com
Thu Jan 9 17:01:45 UTC 2014

*Trying to connect to a bank named Compass Bank.  I connected using
quicken and then got the ofx log.  *

<https://www2.compassweb.com/ofxsecurity/ofx_security_server.dll> (for
this I get:


*ERROR #2000 General error: "Error other than those specified by the
remaining error codes. (Note: Servers should provide a more specific error
whenever possible. Error code 2000 should be reserved for cases in which a
more specific code is not available.)"*

*Server message: Application or version is unsupported*

*.dll extensions are windows files so that may be the problem here? This
url is the one listed at moneydance.*

The org and FID are


* http://www.ofxhome.com/ofxforum/viewtopic.php?id=11
<http://www.ofxhome.com/ofxforum/viewtopic.php?id=11> Shows someone using
https://www2.compassweb.com/ofxsecurity … server.dll
<https://www2.compassweb.com/ofxsecurity/ofx_security_server.dll>' but
having trouble verifying.*

*Does anyone have a suggestion as to how to connect to this bank?  *


*-- *

To view my art:  http://garyartista.wix.com/gary-kirkpatrick-art
for prints http://fineartamerica.com/shop/gary-kirkpatrick.html
Contact me directly for originals.
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