[Kmymoney] Compiling from source

Allan agander93 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 19 09:46:55 UTC 2014

On 19/04/14 10:39, timothy wrote:
> On Sat, 2014-04-19 at 11:25 +0200, Thomas Baumgart wrote:
>> Hi Timothy,
>> On Saturday 19 April 2014 10:23:47 timothy wrote:
>> [...]
>>> Hi and Happy Easter
>>> I have managed to hack my way through the dependencies up to this point.
>>> timothy at tim:~/Downloads/kmymoney/build$ cmake ..
>>> -- Found Qt-Version 4.8.4 (using /usr/bin/qmake)
>>> -- Found X11: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libX11.so
>>> -- Found KDE 4.11 include dir: /usr/include
>>> -- Found KDE 4.11 library dir: /usr/lib
>>> -- Found the KDE4 kconfig_compiler
>>> preprocessor: /usr/bin/kconfig_compiler
>>> -- Found automoc4: /usr/bin/automoc4
>>> -- Boost version: 1.53.0
>>> -- Found the following Boost libraries:
>>> --   graph
>>> -- Found gpgme-config at /usr/bin/gpgme-config
>>> -- Found gpgme v1.4.2, checking for flavours...
>>> --  Found flavour 'vanilla', checking whether it's usable...yes
>>> --  Found flavour 'pthread', checking whether it's usable...yes
>>> -- Found Libical version 1.0
>>> -- Looking for RPMTools... - rpmbuild NOT FOUND
>>> -------- KMyMoney 4.6.90-ab35b0b0c1 --------
>>> Configure results (user options):
>>> --------------------------------------------
>>> OFX plugin:                              no
>>> KBanking plugin:                         no
>>> iCalendar export plugin:                 yes
>>> Configure results (developer options):
>>> --------------------------------------------
>>> Qt-Designer library support:             no
>>> Generate developer documentation:        no
>>> Build unit tests:                        no
>>> Generate API documentation with Doxygen: yes
>>> Generate HTML documentation:             no
>>> Build type: RelWithDebInfo
>>> --------------------------------------------
>>> Good - your configure finished.
>>> Now type 'make' to build KMyMoney. For more help, consult README.cmake
>>> CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they
>>> are set to NOTFOUND.
>>> Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the
>>> CMake files:
>>> ===================================================================
>>> Could you please help me with the following-
>>> 1) Surely I need OFX plugin and possibly KBanking plugin. How do I get
>>> those user options to 'yes'?
>> If you need OFX, you should start with the OFX plugin and leave KBanking
>> aside. KBanking and its underlying library AqBanking also support OFX, but
>> that is simply an alternative.
>>> 2) Do I need to bother about all the no's in the developer options?
>> No.
>>> 3) What should  LIBALKIMIA_INCLUDE_DIR be set to and how do I do that?
>> You will have to install libalkimia first. See
>> http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/KMyMoney#Requirements for more requirements.
>> In case your distro does not have libalkimia  packaged, you can build it from
>> source just like KMyMoney.
>> http://community.kde.org/Alkimia/Development_Environment contains some
>> information about the build process, but they still refer to the svn repo
>> which has also been moved to git a while back. Using
>>    git clone git://anongit.kde.org/alkimia
>> should get you the source. You will need libgmp-devel for it to build.
>> Once you have libalkimia installed on your system (either by package or from
>> source), go to the KMyMoney build directory (where you ran 'cmake ..'), remove
>> the CMakeCache.txt file (which forces a full run of cmake the next time) and
>> re-run 'cmake ..'. This should now pick up libalkimia.
>>> Any pointers will be appreciated.
>> Please see above. You are very close. If you still have problems, please
>> contact us here again.
> Thanks Thomas, I'll carry on trying. I am still not clear how to get the
> OFX plugin (which I do need) to configure to 'yes'.
> Timothy

I'll come in in case Thomas is otherwise engaged, and as you're so 
close, if you have a need for OFX support, you'll need to install the 
OFX'-dev/devel' package from your distro - I'm pretty sure it will be there.

Then remove the CMakeCache.txt file and re-run 'cmake ..' as per Thomas 
above.  Once OFX is discovered, the plugin will be produced.


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