[Kmymoney] Query on Investement Reports V4.6.3

Allan agander93 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 21 23:47:02 UTC 2013

On 21/11/13 22:40, paul wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anyone know how I can suppress the reporting of Investments that I
> no longer hold ?
> I have Shares/Mutal Funds that I not held for a number of years & wish
> to remove them from the report.
> The Investments are held in a Tax-Free wrapper and so are under one
> account. I've tried using the search amount option, but that does not
> seem to work.
> Thanks
> Paul

If it is just the appearance in reports that is your problem, then all 
that should be necessary is to open the relevant report, then click 
Configure and then Accounts.  Each account has a check-box alongside it. 
Remove the check from the accounts you wish to remove, then click OK.

If, however you wish to remove them from your file, then, assuming that 
the number of shares, etc., in each is zero, but the option to delete is 
disabled, then it is probably the prices referring to the investments 
that is the issue.  You'll need to remove all their prices.


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