[Kmymoney] Online Quotes

Jan Ritzerfeld kmymoney at mailinglists.jan.ritzerfeld.org
Mon Nov 11 11:53:51 UTC 2013

Am Sonntag, 10. November 2013, 13:43:44 schrieb Jochen Schmid:
> I have used boerse-online.de to update the share prices in kmymoney.
> They seem to have changed the website layout again. :-(

SEO perhaps.

> Single shares are displayed with URL
> http://www.boerse-online.de/aktie/Siemens-Aktie, thus ending with a
> kind of name of the share. As I understand the mechanism of kmymoney I
> need a URL containing the Stock Symbol of the share (in this case:
> 723610).

So you must use their search:

> Has someone managed to get the prices of German shares and bonds into
> kmymoney?

For funds, somehow, yes. Perhaps this works for your shares, but it relies 
on ISINs and not WKNs. Furthermore, it assumes that the first "xx,xx EUR" is 
the current price, since there is no tag or text to find it:
URL	http://www.boerse-online.de/suchergebnisse?_search=%1
Symbol	ISIN\s+(\w\w\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d)
Price	([\d\.]+,\d\d) EUR
Date	Kursdatum\s+(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)
Date Format	%d.%m.%y
[ ] Skip HTML stripping

> Is somewhere a tutorial available to get it working?

There are some hints in the last section of 
or http://docs.kde.org/development/de/extragear-office/kmymoney/details.investments.prices.html in German.

Old age is not so bad when you consider the alternatives.

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