[Kmymoney] reconciling investment acct

Gary Kirkpatrick pegngary at gmail.com
Mon May 27 14:06:04 UTC 2013

On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 3:52 PM, Jack <ostroffjh at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> On 2013.05.27 04:30, Gary Kirkpatrick wrote:
>> I have IRA's with no brokerage acct.  I want to get the balances in KMM
>> to match the institution's.  So I did reconciliation and the first
>> statement came out to $0 difference.  Starting the second month, however, I
>> noticed the last month's ending balance is incorrect so I made a boo boo
>> somehow.  I can not find a way to re-do that 1st month's reconciliation.
>>  Is there a way to do that?  Can I enter some sort of correction?
> I'm pretty sure this issue has been discussed in the past on this mailing
> list (or else the developers list).  There is no way to "undo" a
> reconciliation, but as Alan implied, it is not really necessary.  When the
> first reconciliation dialog pops up, the starting and ending balances are
> calculated from the account within KMM, and other that giving you a
> reference point, do not really play any further role in the process.  The
> starting balance is the balance based on all the transactions in the
> account already marked as reconciled.  The ending balance starts with that
> and also includes the transactions marked is cleared.  If that ending
> balance matches your statement, then when you finish the reconciliation,
> KMM changes all the cleared transactions to reconciled.
> More directly to your message - if you finish a reconciliation and then
> determine you used the wrong ending balance, you can still fix it, but it
> sometimes takes some digging to figure out the problem.  Start by
> determining the difference between the ending/reconciled balance in KMM,
> and what it SHOULD be.  The easiest thing is if you find one transaction of
> that amount that you either didn't mark when you should have, or did mark
> when you should not have.
> However, expanding on what Alan said, you can just start this month's
> reconciliation, and include the correction.  As long as you get the correct
> ending balance for this month, old issues with reconciliation don't really
> matter.  The only real record of a reconciliation in KMM is that it
> remembers the date of the most recent one, and the appropriate transactions
> are marked as reconcilied.
> Jack
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Thanks for all that!!   Will go back and work on it.

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