[Kmymoney] automated parted operation

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Fri Jul 26 08:47:59 UTC 2013


On Wednesday 24 July 2013 11:14:10 Jack wrote:


> Question for developers:  when importing uses a split transaction as
> the model, how does the actual transaction amount get used in assigning
> the amounts to the different splits.  It seems this might be something
> that can safely be changed, or (as a wishlist) be subject to some
> configuration setting.  (I have not had one of these in a while, so I
> don't remember the details.)

AFAIR, KMM chooses the last transaction for that payee and if it is split, 
then it copies the categories over and (for some reason I don't remember) does 
not touch the amounts of the splits for the categories but only adjusts the 
amount of the account.

I see this happen here as well for those transactions that I split into a net 
and tax part. If a new one comes in, I could redo the calculation based on the 
percentage, but that is not implemented. Again, this has been developed long 
time ago and I don't remember the details why it not has been done. The trick 
I use to get around this is to manually edit the transaction, change the 
total, tab to the next field, shift+tab back and change the amount back. In 
case to the VAT automatism this adjusts the amounts of the categroy splits as 
I need them. This of course does not work for split transactions that are not 
based on the auto tax assignment.

Hope that helps a bit.



Thomas Baumgart

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