[Kmymoney] maximum amount per transaction

hugo borrell hugoborrell at gmail.com
Wed Jul 24 20:12:26 UTC 2013


I 've been posting today about splitting meal transaction into "meal"
category and "non deductible" category. This is half of the french taxes
regulations problem : a meal is not supposed to cost more than a maximum
amount (17,70 €) upon wich the "non deductible" part is fixed (4,55 €) and
the "meal" category varies between 0 and 13,15  € (17,70 - 4,55).

As a result, if the meal costed more than 17,70 €, the "meal" part of the
split is fixed to the maximum (13,15 €) and the rest of the transaction is
"non deductible".

Of course, I guess it might be hard to develop such tricky rules, but *is
there a way to set an alert of some sort if the "meal" part overpass the
maximum tolerated amout of 13,15 € ?*

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