[Kmymoney] corrupted kmymoney file

allan Anderson agander93 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 14 23:58:42 UTC 2013

On 14 January 2013 23:26, Fr David Ousley <davidousley at verizon.net> wrote:

> **
> Thanks for the prompt reply!
> The lines at the top of the file are same as yours, except for the
> creation and revision dates.
> The last line of the file is a very long string of not readily
> identifiable content.  I added the <KMYMONEY-FILE> as the last line,
> recompressed, renamed .kmy, and reloaded, but got the same error.

You don't need to recompress.  KMyMoney will read the xml.

> The error message I alluded to appears under "details" when it says the
> file is unparsable:
> Uncaught error.  Please report the details to the developers.
> Currency "USD" not found in file
> /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/kmymoney-4.6.3/kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyfile.cpp
> line 2,410
> Kmymoney then closes, though it will open with other files.
> I also tried your suggestion of opening a new file with a different
> currency, but that doesn't seem to alter the handling of the existing file.
> id numbers of the payees are all in the form you describe -- one letter
> followed by numbers
> I think I am now subscribed to the list, so presumably I'll see any
> suggestions from others (though your posting to the list has not appeared).
> Thanks.
> Fr O.
OK.  The line number, I was assuming, was in your xml line, not the program

Can you send me off-list, the last dozen or so lines of your xml file.

Also, please run 'xmllint yourxmlfilenamehere', and see what that finds.  I
see there is a --recover option, "--recover : output what was parsable on
broken XML documents" so you could try 'xmllint yourxmlfilenamehere >
~/xmloutput.xml', and see what you get in the ~/xmloutput.xml file.  Try
comparing with the original.


> On Mon, 14 Jan 2013 17:52:54 -0500, allan Anderson <agander93 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> On 14 January 2013 21:20, Fr David Ousley <davidousley at verizon.net> wrote:
>> Dear Allan --
>> I find a recent post of yours on the Kymymoney list about a kmymoney data
>> file that won't parse.  I have the same problem, though I can uncompress
>> the file and open it in an editor (vi my case).  The first line seems fine
>> according to what you said should be there.  The second line is
>> The "details" reports "USD" missing in line 2410.
>> Forgive me if I am violating etiquette in sending this directly.  I had
>> not previously subscribed to the list, and it says one cannot post to the
>> list without being a subscriber.
>> I appreciate any help you might be able to give.
>> Fr O.
> Posting from Google as my ISP virus checker objects to these headers.
> Anyway -
> Don't concern yourself - I don't feel violated!  You might have been able
> to post to the list without subscribing - it would then depend on the
> administrator as to whether or not to publish.
> Anyway, I'll do my best to help, although I'm no expert in this area.
> I also hope I don't run into the same problem I had last time, with my
> email being rejected as containing a virus/spam. (Hmmph).
> After your second line you should expect to see -
>   <CREATION_DATE date="2008-12-06"/>
>   <LAST_MODIFIED_DATE date="2011-11-01"/>
>   <VERSION id="1"/>
>   <FIXVERSION id="4"/>
> and the final line should be - "</KMYMONEY-FILE>".
> I'm afraid I don't understand your reference to - "The "details" reports
> "USD" missing in line 2410.".  Could you explain that for me, please?  That
> could be important.
> What is it that reports the error?  What is the content of the adjoining
> lines?
> Next, I would examine all the 'id' fields.  They should all be in a
> similar format (header apart) of an alpha character (A, E. P, T) followed
> by a bunch of zeros and one or more numerics.  Any odd characters could be
> a problem, apart from currency ids.
> If all that looks in order, then I'm afraid it's a question of examining
> the file structure - the fields should be of similar structure.  Have you
> another file you could compare with, perhaps.
> Failing that, if all else fails you, the only thing I can suggest is
> sending me the file, although obviously there are privacy problems there.
> One other thought - I assume that USD is your base currency.  It might be
> worth opening a new file - from a console, enter kmymoney -n, then set a
> different base currency and try to load your file, in case the missing
> 'USD' is the culprit.  I don't know if this would work, or even how it
> might help, but we'll cross that bridge later, if necessary.
> I'm copying this to the list, possibly to enlist help from others.  Hope
> you don't mind.
> Allan
> --
> Fr David Ousley
> Church of St Michael the Archangel
> 210 West Allens Lane
> Philadelphia, PA  19119
> 215-247-1092
> davidousley at verizon.net
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