[Kmymoney] Problems created by lack of knowledge...

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Sat Feb 9 09:21:30 UTC 2013


I second Jacks opinion: nothing seems wrong with the general approach you 
take. One more comment inline.

On Friday 08 February 2013 18:28:15 Jack wrote:


> Just to show what I would expect:
> Starting balances:
>   Cheque: 100,  Partner: 500
> You need to pay "Store" 200, so you create a payment from Cheque to
> Store for 200, and the balances should be:
>   Cheque: 100,  Partner: 300

Nitpick: I would create the payment from Partner to Store for 200. Balances 
are shown correct, though.

> You get income of 300 which you deposit to Cheque, giving
>   Cheque: 400,  Partner 300
> Now you transfer 200 from Cheque to Partner.  You do NOT need to
> specify a Payee or a Category, as these were set in the payment
> transaction above.
>   Cheque: 200,  Partner: 500
> What do you actually see at this point?



Thomas Baumgart

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