[Kmymoney] Export/Import Categories

Kenneth Jacker khj at be.cs.appstate.edu
Mon Oct 8 15:10:13 UTC 2012

Found time over the weekend to try your suggestions ...

Executive summary:  they worked!

  thb> Yes, use File/Export/Account template on the 'other' file and
  thb> name it, move it into the template directory of your country
  thb> (they usually live in KDEDIR/share/apps/kmymoney/templates) and
  thb> then use 'File/Import/Account template' on a new empty file.

Did that.

  thb> Use 'kde4-config --path data' in a shell to see where KDEDIR can be (there 
  thb> might be multiple locations).

Turned out the language-specific "template" directory was here:


Though the 'kde4-config' command above output this:


Anyway, using the first path corresponded to a place for the exported
template file.

(BTW, I'm running this on an up-to-date Ubuntu-10.04.1 system ...)

  thb> Unfortunately, the list during import presents it completely
  thb> empty as no meta information is available in the file.

Yes, that confused me at first ... but "clicking" on the "empty" list
item "did the trick"!

This success with importing previous "categories" has, I'm afraid, made
me greedy!  Is there any way to "pre-load" my many "payees" as well?  No
big deal, but thought I'd ask ... ;-)

Thanks for the prompt, clearly stated and useful info!

Few other "free" applications/packages are as good as KMM (the Shorewall
firewall comes to mind as another example) ... incredible!

Thanks again,


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