[Kmymoney] Is this a bug?

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Sat Mar 24 08:27:40 UTC 2012

On Friday 23 March 2012 22:18:31 Allan wrote:
> On importing a csv file, an incorrect column was used for the 'amount'
> field, which in fact contained a string which included a couple of
> values.  The string was accepted, and the amount became the
> concatenation of the two values, resulting in a huge value.
> I realised that it would be wise to test for valid values, and started
> to think about validation.  Knowing that MyMoneyMoney converted text to
> a MyMoneyMoney value, and, not wanting to reinvent the world, I looked
> to see if there was a validity test, but found none, so looked in
> qifimportreader(), and there did not appear to be a specific test there,
> either.
> So, I imported the following qif file -
> !Account
> NtestG
> TBank
> ^
> !Type:Bank
> D1/9/00
> U524.91
> TThis234.56isrubbish24.91
> CX
> POpen
> ^
> It was imported successfully, with the result being a value of
> 2,345,624.91!  So, that was exactly the same sort of result the csv
> import produced.
> Of course, a qif file 'T' line is expected to have a genuine value, and
> if it is incorrect, then the supplier is at fault.  Similarly for the
> csv import, but because an extra step involving the user in selecting
> the correct column is required, the risk is greater.
> How far should one go in validation?  Should qif import also validate?

These things (checks) are now located in libalkimia code. There we have code 
like the following:

  // different decimal symbol
  m = new AlkValue(QLatin1String("x1.234,568 EUR"), QLatin1Char(','));
  QVERIFY(m->toString() == QLatin1String("154321/125"));

which allows to convert a value enclosed by text (mainly currency symbols or 
names). I admit, that this is a valid method to extract 'number' from the 
"text number text" input, but there is no validation againt a "text number 
text number text ..." input.

The way it is implemented is to remove non-numeric characters from the input 
resulting in the concatenation of the numeric parts as you see them.

Would you like to open a bug on the libalkimia product if you think it does 
not work correct. Otherwise, I would see a more details check in the CSV/QIF 
importer as I don't want to tighten the rules deep in the hierarchy too much.

BTW: MyMoneyMoney simply encapsulates AlkValue in this respect.

p.s. Also, this is more a developer question/discussion which actually belongs 
to another list ;)



Thomas Baumgart

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A clearly defined problem is half the solution! -- Julian Huxley
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