[Kmymoney] What do I need to be able to compile from git?

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Tue Jun 26 11:10:29 UTC 2012


On Tuesday 26 June 2012 13:01:10 Magnus Larsson wrote:

> Hi!
> I am trying to compile KMM from git. I have downloaded the source, and
> installed a number of dev libraries, but still get errors when doing the
> configure (first step). Is there a list of dependecies somewhere, needed
> to compile (more specific than on the git page)?

Not that I know of.  What are the errors? Just copy them to a mail to the list 
(preferrably developer list on kmymoney-devel at kde.org and not here). They 
would certainly give us a hint to what you need. 

If you find some dependencies, please feel free to add them on 
http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/KMyMoney or let us know to update our 



Thomas Baumgart

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Person A: It's an ISO standard.
Person B: ...And that means what?
 --mal (http://theangryadmin.blogspot.com/2008/04/future.html)
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