[Kmymoney] A debt with unknown return date

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Thu Dec 6 14:08:58 UTC 2012

Hi Victor,

On Thursday 06 December 2012 16:01:08 Victor Porton wrote:

> My boss owes me certain sum of money. We have not yet negotiated when he
> would pay me the debt.
> How to account this in KMyMoney?

Create an asset account to keep track of the sum your boss owes you. Depending 
on the fact if you lend him the money or it is income you need to transfer the 
amount out of your existing accounts or note it as income.

> Note that this debt increases every month to a different amount.

Again, depending on the above fact, it is a transfer or an income. Once he 
pays you back, you transfer the money out of the asset account to your regular 
account (whereever you received the funds).

Hope that helps.



Thomas Baumgart

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