[Kmymoney] Last update/transaction date for an account

aga agander93 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 17 23:24:19 UTC 2011

On Fri, 16 Sep 2011 15:44:34 -0700
Niranjan Rao <nhrdls at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> I am trying to write automatic script to download ofx transactions
> from my bank. My bank charges money if you use the ofx servers
> directly, but allows me to download the transactions if I login to
> online banking and download from there.
> In my script, I would like to set the date range based on information
> I can collect from kmymoney - e.g. last transaction date for my
> account or ideally if it's available last ofx statement import date
> for that account or something similar.
> Is it possible to get such date from kmymoney programmatically? I
> know file format is essentially xml on my machine and can probably
> read it from there if required. However not prefer to that since I
> want to treat kmymoney as blackbox file.
> Also, is it possible to ask kmymoney to import a file using command
> line by pointing it to account in which file needs to be imported and
> ofx download?
> Thanks,
> - Niranjan

I think I remember doing this some while ago, before my bank ceased
supporting OFX.  I'm petty sure it's covered in the KMM handbook,
called I think 'web connect'.  Though, I don't think it was from command
line, but via browser

It involves setting OFX files to be opened by KMM.  So,
selecting/opening the file launches KMM. Or, you possibly have to have
the right account open - sorry, it's a bit hazy now, but I'm pretty
sure I got it working.


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