[Kmymoney] External reports for kMyMoney

Niranjan Rao nhrdls at gmail.com
Sat Oct 1 19:09:30 UTC 2011

Hi folks,

I spent some time creating a simple Java code which may have some
potential. You can fork it from github at

I am a fairly new user of kMyMoney (~3 months) and really like it. I
wanted to use it more effectively but could not help directly as I have
not written C/C++ code in many years and right now have no inclination
to start writing in C/C++.

After researching the web, I found out that kMyMoney's storage file is
actually a simple xml. After I understood the top level structure, I
decided to write some code and see if I can build something useful.

I am aware that I am dealing with "private data" or not exposed API. Nor
do I want to step on developer's shoes who are doing such a great job.
Also my knowledge of the data is from whatever I learned by studying my
own file.

My thought is, if I keep my code in read only mode, we should be able to
add considerable value to reporting of kMyMoney by externalizing some
reports. Eventual goal is to have a simple script engine that can
understand syntax like "create expense report for category xyz and
account abc" and generate html/charts from the file. Then we can have
script repository and people can contribute to reports more easily.

This code uses following:
Java - 1.6
Apache Wicket 1.5.1
OrientDB as embedded DB
flot for generating charts.

You will need to have java 1.6 and maven installed to compile the code.
Just use "mvn package" in the top level code directory and execute the
code using java -jar
kMyMoneyWeb/target/kMyMoneyWeb-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar from the
same directory. Open the browser and hit localhost:8080 or
localhost:<port> if you did  choose port when you executed the jar.

Current status is I am able to read my file correctly and display simple
report. None of my code writes anything to disk. DB engine is also set
to memory mode. Based on docs I have read so far, kmymoney supports
various authentication and data schemes. My setup is the default setup
that software offered and file is not password protected.

Looking for your comments. Is this something worth pursuing? 


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