[Kmymoney] KMyMoney has moved to git

Alvaro Soliverez asoliverez at kde.org
Thu Nov 10 01:49:28 UTC 2011

Hello all,
the move to git has been completed.

These are the new URLs:
Fetch URL: git://anongit.kde.org/kmymoney
Push  URL: git at git.kde.org:kmymoney

There's still some processing to be done by the sysadmins, but you can
already clone it. For now, only admins have write-access. (Fernando, I
messed up with your username so I have to add you manually later)

Please note that docs are now in-tree again. They had been moved out when
we migrated to SVN.

I am about to remove all files in the SVN repo and commit a README file
pointing to the new repo, We should also update the wikis and the webpage
with the new URLs.

Further on, we should decide the workflow we'll have for git. Those of you
with git experience, please step up now.

I'll try to write a mini tutorial today for basic cloning and update today.

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