timothy timboyle at afrihost.co.za
Fri May 20 09:18:49 CEST 2011


I wondered if you could confirm that the problems I have been experiencing
are due to the way KMM handles QIF or that there is something wrong with my files.

I have tried importing old QIFs from when I migrated from MsMoney and I get similar 
results. At that time so many things were new and unknown that I can not remember
these being specific problems. I do remember that I had to do considerable manual 
reconfiguring of accounts and categories.

Be that as it may, I really want to know whether I should give up on the QIF import
and start looking into OFX import of investment transactions.

If anyone has examples of investment files (both QIF and OFX) that have successfully
imported into KMM. I would very much like to use them in my further endeavours.
My investments sites merely give web page output of transactions which I can download
in various formats from PDF, XLS, CSV, HTML and even text. These I have been converting
to QIF for import. My bank and credit card go directly with OFX into KMM.

Ar first glance OFX investing appears not to cater for categories and sub-categories and does 
not appear to be able to transfer the proceeds of Sells or Dividends to another (cheque) 

Sample files that actually worked would be of tremendous help.



I am running KMM 1.0.5 on KDE 3.5.10 on Ubuntu Maverick.

I have been testing out QIF investment files imported into KMM and have
run into a few problems.

The QIF spec gives the L option as 1)category:subcategory or 2)[transfer
to account] depending on the N option having an X or not i.e. NSellX or

However in my testing:
1) KMM fails to recognise the colon: and creates a new category called
"category:subcategory" as if the whole string was a new category name. 

2) the transfer account given as [parent-account:sub-account] is not
recognised and although imported OK shows a yellow triangle /exclamation
with the account field being blank in the ledger. If I reduce the string
to just [sub-account], a new investment account is created with that
name at top level even though the same-name account exists as a

Perhaps I should explain that I have organised my account structure with
generic top level asset "dummy"accounts such as Banks Accounts; Money
Markets; Retirement etc. Each one of these may contain several relevant
investment or checking accounts with their corresponding investments.

Any light on this matter would be appreciated.


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