timothy timboyle at afrihost.co.za
Wed May 18 16:27:50 CEST 2011


I am running KMM 1.0.5 on KDE 3.5.10 on Ubuntu Maverick.

I have been testing out QIF investment files imported into KMM and have
run into a few problems.

The QIF spec gives the L option as 1)category:subcategory or 2)[transfer
to account] depending on the N option having an X or not i.e. NSellX or

However in my testing:
1) KMM fails to recognise the colon: and creates a new category called
"category:subcategory" as if the whole string was a new category name. 

2) the transfer account given as [parent-account:sub-account] is not
recognised and although imported OK shows a yellow triangle /exclamation
with the account panel being blank in the ledger. If I reduce the string
to just [sub-account], a new investment account is created with that
name at top level even though the same-name account exists as a

Perhaps I should explain that I have organised my account structure with
generic top level asset "dummy"accounts such as Banks Accounts; Money
Markets; Retirement etc. Each one of these may contain several relevant
investment or checking accounts with their corresponding investments.

Any light on this matter would be appreciated.


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