[Kmymoney] Re: KMyMoney Digest, Vol 12, Issue 3

Fernando Vilas fvilas at iname.com
Wed Jul 27 04:07:37 CEST 2011

On Tuesday, July 26, 2011 18:35:41 am-ph wrote:
> Hi Fernando,
> I just read that you are actually running your accounts on psql.
> After some trials I actually came to the conclusion that the whole database
> connectivity issue was fake: - There is no problem in saving data into a
> database (both with mysql and postgresql). - However, when trying to load
> data from the database, kmymoney either crashes or hangs, with one notable
> exception: - If I save a virgin kmymoney-file (with only my name and one
> account created), then I actually can load these data from the database. -
> This is not of much use either, as kmymoney then crashes as soon as I try
> to open a ledger. So here are my questions:
> Which version of postgresql do you use:  9.1, 9.0, 8.4 or even some older
> one? Which operating system do you use (so far I tried it on a mac via
> macports)? Do you have to make adjustments of the database?
> Best wishes,
> Stefan


	I have used various pgsql versions from as far back as the 8.0 series 
with KMM. I may have used a 7.x series. I know I used it for other things, but 
I cannot remember if I used it for KMM. Right now, I am running 9.0.4.

	I also remember the couple of bugs you reported to the list in March 
regarding this. I have so far been unable to duplicate the problem, but then 
again, I do not own a Mac.
	The database backend has been tested on Linux against MySQL, PostgreSQL, 
and SQLite. I have tested it on Slackware (32 and 64 bit), and other devs have 
tested it on their distributions as well.

	I suspect that this is a Mac-specific issue. If one of the devs has access 
to one, some help would be appreciated. And Stefan, if you want to help debug, 
we can walk you through some of that process as well.

Fernando Vilas
fvilas at iname.com
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