[Kmymoney] Investment accounts

Konstantin Svist fry.kun at gmail.com
Fri Aug 26 23:59:04 UTC 2011

On 08/26/2011 04:13 PM, Jack wrote:
> On 2011.08.26 18:29, Konstantin Svist wrote:
>> It's been >4 months and still no reply to my original request. Do KMM 
>> developers read this ML?
> Yes, many of them they do.

I really wasn't sure because last time the only person who replied was 
Allan who isn't a KMM dev and couldn't really help me with my issue. 
Anyway, no time for a rant..

>> I just tried 4.6.0 and have seen no improvement in handling 
>> investment accounts. E.g. there's still no way to enter something as 
>> simple as dividend fees...
> It's actually not as simple as it may seem.  However, I'm not sure 
> what you mean here.   I don't have fees on my dividends, so I have not 
> had to do this, but I don't see why it can't be done.  Do you really 
> mean you can't enter the fees, or they don't seem to be handled 
> correctly when imported by OFX direct connect?  If it's the latter, 
> read below.  If it's the former, please describe in more detail what 
> you tried.

Well, maybe it's not as common as I thought, but if you get dividends on 
a foreign stock through Schwab, they automatically charge ADR management 
fees and foreign taxes from the dividends.
* As far as OFX import, the fees show up as separate "buy shares" 
entries, which makes no sense.
* If I try to edit the original Dividend transaction manually, the Fees 
textboxes are enabled, but the "Fees" title is hidden. Anything filled 
into these two disappears as soon as I commit the transaction. The only 
types of transactions that support "Fees" are "buy shares" and "sell 
shares", as far as I can tell.
* I've tried editing the aforementioned OFX-imported "buy shares" 
entries manually, but they don't accept "0 shares"

>> Signing up for -developers ML appears restricted & there has been no 
>> reaction of any kind to bug filed on SourceForge tracker.
> I know of no restrictions for joining the devel list: 
> https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kmymoney-devel but I doubt it 
> will get you any better answers.  The main difference is that the 
> answers in this list focus on helping users get their problems solved 
> and that list gets into more details related to the inner workings of 
> the program.  The sourceforge bug tracker is for KDE1.x and although 
> no timetable has been decided, it is likely that no further 
> development will happen there.  Bugs on the 4.x versions are tracked 
> at bugs.kde.org.

No problem, as long as there's some discussion alive here :)

>> The only remaining option seems to be to edit the code myself... 
>> which of course would only benefit me and nobody else.
> Not necessarily.  If you actually fix a bug, or add an enhanced 
> feature, then the developers are likely to accept a patch, and I think 
> they would definitely be interested in at least looking at the code.
>> *sigh*
> One other question - have you tried entering these transactions 
> manually, just to see that KMM is capable of representing them the way 
> you want?  Downloading via OFX is known to have lots of problems.  
> Although OFX is an open standard, there are multiple interpretations, 
> and there have actually been multiple discussions of this on the 
> -devel list, so you might want to review the archives.
> One major issue (and it is not just with Schwab) is that they do not 
> actually separate what KMM tracks separately as investment and 
> brokerage accounts.  If you download the transactions into the 
> investment account, those that really belong in the brokerage account 
> will probably not be handled correctly.  In the future, it might be 
> possible to move these transactions to the brokerage account, but it 
> cannot be done now.  One approach that has been suggested is to create 
> a security with value $1.00 for the cash part of the account.  I have 
> been planning to try this, but have not yet had the time.

Yeah, I know about this issue. For simple buy/sell/int/div transactions, 
when I specify the corresponding brokerage account, it seems to keep 
track of the cash, so that's not a problem (anymore?)

> There is also another thing you could try in the meantime.  You could 
> download the transactions, and import the files.  You can try OFX, 
> QIF, and CSV.  OFX will probably do the same as the direct connect.  
> QIF is not generally desirable, but might behave differently here.  
> Allan has responded separately about trying the CSV importer (new in 
> 4.6) and that approach CAN get the transactions into both the 
> investment and brokerage accounts.

Last time I gave Allan a copy of the .CSV from same account (so he could 
improve his imported), but trying to import it in 4.6 turned out to be a 
pretty big hassle. CSV importer appears to be of alpha quality (beta at 
best), let's leave it at that for now :)

>> On 04/12/2011 10:54 AM, Konstantin Svist wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm trying to set up KMM with my Schwab brokerage account
>>> I've added an account (type: Investment) and linked it to the Schwab 
>>> OFX (as described at the bottom of 
>>> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/OFX_Direct_Connect_Bank_Settings)
>>> Thing is, the Schwab brokerage accounts include info on investments 
>>> & cash at the same time. So, if I transfer $100 to an empty 
>>> brokerage account (actual transfer, in schwab.com), the account has 
>>> $100 to buy securities with. When I download the OFX into KMM, it 
>>> shows up as "Buy Shares" with Price/share: $1.00 and Shares: 100. 
>>> And it doesn't look like there's any way to mark it as a transfer.
>>> Furthermore, dividends (not reinvested) show up as Amount: <actual 
>>> amount> but Total: $0.00
>>> I'm sure that other people are using some of these features, which 
>>> basically means I had set it up wrong.
>>> So let me have it: what's the right way to set it up?
>>> Extra info (who knows, might be relevant):
>>> * I'm using KMM 4.5.2 on KDE 4.6.1 libraries (XFCE)
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