[Kmymoney] Cant install OFX plug in.
Ian Anderson
iancarol at ps.gen.nz
Thu Sep 2 03:48:38 CEST 2010
On Tue, 2010-08-31 at 19:05 +0200, Thomas Baumgart wrote:
> KDE searches for plugins in very specific directories (please consult the KDE
> documentation for that). It can be customized, but that is within the scope of
> the distro. In general (and this is valid for out-of-the-box installations)
> KDE searches only in its own specific directories for plugins. So if KDE is
> installed in /usr it will search in /usr/lib{64}/kde4 but not in
> /usr/local/lib{64}/kde4. The operating system though uses the $PATH variable
> to search for executables and that usually includes /usr/local/bin so that the
> KMyMoney application code is found but the plugin is not found. Hope this is
> somewhat clear.
Yes, things are a lot clearer now, thanks for explaining and dealing
with all those questions(I hope they help other users too)
> > (In the terminal
> > what path/command do you have to take to remove Libofx or Kmymoney say
> > from usr/local. I don't know if I dare interfere with the duplications
> > now, maybe better to leave well alone.
> Ok get things clean for KMyMoney, proceed as follows (and don't deviate even
> if some instructions seem in vain - *they are not*). I assume, things now
> install in /usr and you are in the build directory.
> a) sudo make uninstall
> b) cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local
> c) make
> d) sudo make install
> e) sudo make uninstall
> f) cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr
> g) make
> h) sudo make install
> Now you should only have the installation in /usr the one in /usr/local should
> be gone. Could be, that there are still some directories left over, but they
> should be empty.
The above worked perfectly, and Kmymoney is clean (with some empty
directories as you mentioned) I'm sure the reasons for those commands
are in a manual somewhere, but again I'm specifically grateful,and hope
other users are helped also.
> As mentioned earlier the following equation is true:
> compiling from source != simple user
> while "!=" means "not equal" (not sure about your C/C++ knowledge)
I only know that C/C++ is a programming language which looks like
Chinese.(The language with the longest learning curve,and I don't speak
that either) C/C++ is the grade I award myself for computer knowledge.
> p.s. I'd love to visit you and teach you how all this stuff works together,
> but I guess I don't have the budget to do so ;)
Well if you can get the time and some money for travel I would be happy
to host you. We are always pleased when relatives/friends can
make -- ("the longest flight in the world" = NZ) Regards Ian Anderson
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