[Kmymoney] Reinvest dividend with fees from brokerage account

Volker Paul volker.paul at v-paul.de
Thu Nov 11 11:27:26 CET 2010


I posted this on the KmyMoney-KDE3 mailing list 
kmymoney2-user at lists.sourceforge.net before
but then I noticed that it was the only posting so far in November.
It seems the kmymoney2-user at lists.sourceforge.net list is dead now?

Anyway, my problem seems to occur on both versions.

I want to track a reinvestment. 
Should I track it as "Dividend" followed by "Buy shares" or 
as "Reinvest dividend"?
The difference is how interest and fees are treated.

In the first case (two separate transactions)
I first receive an amount of interest.

Activity: Dividend
Security: WeCan Funds
Account:  BBA Bank Brokerage Account
Interest: 492.04 EUR    from "Income:Brokerage Interest"

Then this amount is re-invested:

Activity: Buy shares
Security: WeCan Funds
Account:  BBA Bank Brokerage Account
Shares:   8.848
Price:     55.61 EUR
Fees:       1.48 EUR    to "Expense:Brokerage Fees"
Total:    493.52 EUR

So far so good. 
The 492.04 EUR I got are reinvested as 8.848 shares for 55.61 EUR each.
The fees of 1.48 EUR come from the brokerage account,
so the balance of the brokerage account is lowered by 1.48 EUR.

How can I achieve that with a single "Reinvest dividend" transaction?

Activity: Reinvest dividend
Security: WeCan Funds
Shares:   8.848
Price:     55.61 EUR
Fees:       1.48 EUR    to "Expense:Brokerage Fees"
Interest: from "Income:Brokerage Interest" (amount is not shown, calculated as 
8.848 * 55.61 EUR)
Total:    493.52 EUR

That is not quite correct. Here I receive 493.52 EUR of interest
instead of correctly 492.04 EUR. 
The fees of 1.48 EUR here are taken from the interest instead of 
correctly from the brokerage account.

To rectify that, I tried to split the fees. 

Activity: Reinvest dividend
Security: WeCan Funds
Shares:   8.848
Price:     55.61 EUR
Fees:       1.48 EUR    to "Expense:Brokerage Fees"
           -1.48 EUR    to the brokerage account, 
           so 0 EUR total fees paid from interest, but 1.48 EUR paid from the 
brokerage account
Interest: from "Income:Brokerage Interest" (amount is not shown, calculated as 
8.848 * 55.61 EUR)
Total:    492.04 EUR
In the summary this means that 1.48 EUR go from the brokerage account to 
"Income:Brokerage Interest"
and from there to the "Expense:Brokerage Fees", so the complete interest 
amount of 492.04 EUR 
is reinvested and the fees are paid from the brokerage account.

Awkward construction but formally correct if it worked. But it doesn't.
The Enter button is greyed and cannot be clicked.
Maybe because the total of the split is 0. 
If I change it to be nonzero, Enter becomes green but then
my calculation is wrong.

What should I do? At the moment it seems that KMyMoney cannot handle
"complicated" reinvest transactions (with fees involved).



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