[Kmymoney] Re: Problems with windows

Jack ostroffjh at sbcglobal.net
Thu Dec 16 15:37:37 CET 2010

On 2010.12.15 14:34, Juan Cruz Martinez wrote:
> I've installed kmymoney using the installer suggested here:  
> http://kmymoney2.sourceforge.net/index-home.html .The installation  
> went successful but when trying to execute the .exe file, it crashes,  
> leaving process open. The error occurs after the splashscreen, when  
> the main windows is loadad, but the "Tip of the day" is still  
> loading, does anyone know how to solve it?
> I'm running it on a windows xp machine

I have very little experience with the windows version (but that seems  
to be true in general) but there does seems to be a recent increase in  
questions about it.

First, did you run the installer as administrator?  On Vista and  
Windows 7 that seems to be required.  I'm not sure about XP, but I can  
imagine it might make a difference.

Second, are you on a 32 bit or a 64 bit version of XP?  The error says  
win32 exception.

Have you tried selecting one of the choices as debugger to see if you  
can get any more detailed information about the crash?

One other thing you might try is opening a command prompt and running  
the program manually.  You should be able to find where the executable  
is by looking at the properties of the start icon.

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