[Kmymoney] Compiling Kmymoney and Libofx problems

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Tue Aug 24 08:17:40 CEST 2010


on Tuesday 24 August 2010 03:32:39 Ian Anderson wrote:

> I guess every list has a Linux beginner who digs deeper and deeper holes
> thinking he can solve things himself. My apologies therefore for this
> post.
> I used KMymoney2 1.05 last year and it worked well with either OFX or
> Aqbanking downloads. I was irritated however by the Libofx daylight
> saving bug which moves every downloaded transaction forwards by one day.
> This happens in both Aqbanking and OFX downloads.  Thomas Baumgart wrote
> the patch for this in Feb 2010, and kindly offered to help me recompile
> Libofx. (I think that's what he meant? I should have got back to him!)

Now I am getting back to you :)

> Recently I decided to move to KMymoney 4.5.and have a go myself. The
> current version of libofx-0.9.1 still contains the bug in the file
> ofx_utilities.cpp. I extracted the libofx-0.9.1 tar then downloaded and
> pasted his fixed Ver 1.13 of ofx_utilities.cpp in place of Ver 1.11
> contained in the extracted tar. I also had to paste in newer versions of
> 5 or 6 other libofx files which stopped the make. By downloading and
> pasting them over the old versions and then recompiling each time the
> make continued further and further until in the end it finished with no
> more error messages. So I hope my libofx is OK ?? (That's the first
> question)

... which we can answer. If something compiles it does not mean that it works 
at all or crashes while running.

> Working in Ubuntu 10.04 desktop I compiled KMymoney 4.5, and it's
> running almost 100%, except that there are missing icons around the
> programme. (a ? icon is shown instead)

That's usually a sign of false installation.

> Especially in the home view (only Home and Schedules icons are normal).
> In the home screen only the file, settings, and help menus open.
> The desktop Office menu shows KMymoney but with no coin icon, and it
> doesn't start up from there.

Another sign of some sort of bogus installation.

> Worst of all there is no OFX plugin to detect in the programme settings
> so I can't see if the download bug is really fixed!.

Yet another problem which could be caused by a wrong installation.

> I can manually enter data, and move around the other features in the
> programme and have opened my old file from 1.0.5. I'm so close!!
> However I cant face entering every transaction manually for the rest of
> my life after the near successful downloads of 1.0.5. (Have to have OFX)
> During the KMymoney make I noticed several queries/?failures at the 75%
> area concerning building the CXX object relating to KMymoneyview.cpp  Is
> this relevant to the problem? (I saved the lines)

Did it stop or where those just warnings. Warnings are not a real problem at 
this point. I think I know what you are talking about:

/home/thb/devel/kmymoney4/kmymoney/views/kmymoneyview.cpp: In member function 
‘void KMyMoneyView::saveToLocalFile(const QString&, IMyMoneyStorageFormat*, 
bool, const QString&)’:
/home/thb/devel/kmymoney4/kmymoney/views/kmymoneyview.cpp:1092: warning: ‘void 
QIODevice::resetStatus()’ is deprecated (declared at 

[ ... some more of those ... ]

Those are not a problem for now.

> Finally after numerous compilations and deletions of the build directory
> I used DCMAKE _INITIAL_PREFIX=/usr/ as in the KDE techbase and I'm now
> afraid I could have too many stray files of KMymoney 4.5.  I don't know
> how to uninstall the bits in usr/local, or even if I should?

Ah, the bogus installation. To fix it, proceed as follows:

- run 'sudo make uninstall' which removes the installation
- remove your build directory
- run cmake with "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local"
- build the program
- run 'sudo make install'
- run 'sudo make uninstall'

At this point all stray files should be gone. Now we build it the right way 

- remove your build directory
- run cmake with "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr"
- build the program
- run 'sudo make install'

> After two solid days of trying and a look at the Sourceforge user
> archives, I would be grateful for any help you can offer me.
> Kind regards Ian Anderson

Hope that helps to get you started. If you encounter problems, please feel 
free to ask more questions.



Thomas Baumgart

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'Either toss the Windows out of your computer,
 or toss your computer out the window!' -- Richard Stallman
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