consistency check showing lots of NEW errors after saving file with new version

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at
Wed Jan 22 06:11:54 GMT 2025

Hi Jack,

Am 22.01.25 um 02:12 schrieb Jack via KMyMoney-devel:
> I just compiled a fresh version, and the first time I saved, the 
> consistency check came up with over 4000 problems.  ALL are in 
> investment accounts, several of which have been closed for many 
> years.  I suspect it's an unintended side effect of the recent work on 
> storing prices for add/remove share transactions.

with the 
previously broken ‘fix version’ support was repaired. I suspect that one 
of the existing fixFile_x functions with x < 5 is responsible for this. 
To find this, you can modify your kmymoney file in xml format by first 
setting the <FIXVERSION id=‘x’/> entry to x = 4, loading this file and 
then running the consistency check. If no problems occur, decrement x 
and repeat the whole process until the errors occur.


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