Investment Handling in Master Branch
Brendan Coupe
3 at
Wed Feb 5 21:58:05 GMT 2025
On 2025-02-05 1:35 PM, Jack via KMyMoney-devel wrote:
> On 2025.02.05 14:56, Brendan Coupe via KMyMoney-devel wrote:
>> I've been running the master branch on Fedora 41 for several months.
>> I compile it on my system.
>> When I import my CD transactions from my broker via a downloaded ofx
>> file, the price is listed as $100 when is should be $1. This has been
>> an issue in 5.1 for several years and I think it started when I
>> switched brokers. I have not asked about it since the developers are
>> busy working on 5.2 and it was easy to correct in 5.1.
>> Since I switched to the master branch, the problem appears to be much
>> deeper. The $100 price appears to be stored and used for some of the
>> value calculations. As I bought new CDs, they were all valued at 100
>> times their actual price. I corrected this by doing a manual price
>> update in the investment section and changing it from 100 to 1. The
>> dialog that opens says I'm adjusting the exchange rate for the stock
>> xxx to USD which seems odd. I leave the date alone but it appears to
>> be the purchase date. This is far from ideal since i have more than
>> 100 securities / CDs in several investment accounts so it's hard to
>> find the ones that need to be fixed.
>> Ideally KMM would recognize the discrepancy and adjust the price from
>> $100 to $1 when importing the OFX file. I'm guessing this is due to
>> the broker not following the OFX standard.
>> I think these are the relevant lines in the OFX file when I purchase
>> a CD.
>> <UNITS>12345
>> <MKTVAL>12345
>> The UNITPRICE should be 1 and it's obvious the math does not work if
>> you assume 100 is correct.
>> Oddly enough, the Quantity, Value and Balance columns in the ledger
>> for the investment account are all correct and the Price column is
>> wrong. When I update the price in the transaction from 100 to 1, all
>> of the columns are correct. The Investment Value at the bottom of the
>> ledger is clearly not based on the total of the Balance column since
>> it appears to be using the 100 imported from the OFX file. The only
>> way I can fix this is to find the CD in the investment section and
>> manually change the price (exchange rate?) from 100 top 1.
>> This extra step was not required in 5.1. When I adjusted the price in
>> the transaction, the Investment Value at the bottom of the ledger was
>> correct.
>> I'm also having a problem when I sell CDs. The transaction only shows
>> in the Brokerage account, not the investment account. I have to find
>> the original purchase in the Investment account, duplicate it, switch
>> it from buy to sell and correct the date. Then I match the newly
>> created transaction in the brokerage account to the imported one.
>> Unless this triggers a quick fix, lets figure out the first problem
>> and I will come back to CD sales later since this is not a new
>> problem in the master branch.
> Brendan,
> This is only a superficial response, as anything more involved will
> require my digging a bit into the internals.
> In terms of the brokerage setting the price at 100 instead of 1, I'm
> guessing it's sort of a unit issue - it's 100 cents even though all
> other amounts are in dollars. I have a very vague memory of this
> being adjustable under some import scenario, but I can't remember
> where. Again, I'll have to dig, but perhaps it gives something to
> hunt for in the configuration or security definition.
This makes sense but I don't see any way to set the units.
> In terms of transactions for CDs only showing up in the brokerage
> account, what is the transaction type as provided by the bank? It
> seems you have created a CD as an investment, which is perfectly
> reasonable, but if the bonk considers the sale as simply a deposit of
> cash, there is no way OFX or KMM will recognize it as an investment
> transaction.
KMM doesn't really have a good way to handle CDs. I've always imported
them to the Investment account and the appropriate transactions were
added to it and the brokerage account. This has worked with several
different brokers. The broker I am using now is the first one to have
any issues importing via OFX. Hopefully CDs will be handled better when
the investment portion of KMM is upgraded.
The OFX file is tough to read but I think the CD sales are simply cash
deposits. There isn't much info provided so this probably isn't fixable.
> At this point - meant only as food for thought.
> Jack
*Brendan Coupe*
*3 at*
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