Master Branch Compile Error

Thomas Baumgart thb at
Fri Oct 4 13:52:46 BST 2024

On Donnerstag, 3. Oktober 2024 02:36:50 CEST Brendan Coupe via KMyMoney-devel wrote:

> On 2024-10-02 1:46 PM, Jack Ostroff via KMyMoney-devel wrote:
> > [snip....]
> >
> > Nothing in your ccmake output strikes me as wrong, but I'll try a 
> > detailed comparison to my own output later.
> >
> > So cmake does produce a bunch of Makefiles for you, but before 
> > finishing the configuration, it complains about no targets and no 
> > makefile.  That error sounds like it comes from make, but I'm not sure 
> > why cmake would be calling make directly, and before it is finished 
> > configuring.  (I'm mainly thinking out loud here.)
> >
> > Can you try building from the 5.1 branch?  That will at least tell us 
> > if the problem is related to something specifically in master branch, 
> > or something else in your setup.  I don't think it will help, but you 
> > could also try reinstalling make and cmake. You could also try running 
> > cmake against some other KDE program to see if it has anything to do 
> > with KMyMoney at all.
> >
> I added --debug-output to cmake and got a lot more output...
> Not found 'SCCS/s.Makefile.mod'.
>       Trying harder.
>      No implicit rule found for 'Makefile.mod'.
>      Rejecting rule '%.o: %.mod' due to impossible prerequisite 
> 'Makefile.mod'.
>     No implicit rule found for 'Makefile.o'.
>     Rejecting rule '%: %.o' due to impossible prerequisite 'Makefile.o'.
>     Trying pattern rule '%: %.c' with stem 'Makefile'.
> ...
> Trying pattern rule '%:: RCS/%' with stem ''.
>      Trying implicit prerequisite 'RCS/'.
>      Not found 'RCS/'.
>      Trying pattern rule '%:: s.%' with stem ''.
>      Trying implicit prerequisite ''.
> make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.
>      Not found ''.
>      Trying pattern rule '%:: SCCS/s.%' with stem ''.
>      Trying implicit prerequisite 'SCCS/'.
>      Not found 'SCCS/'.
>      Trying harder.
>     No implicit rule found for ''.
>     Rejecting rule '%:' due to impossible prerequisite ''.
>    No implicit rule found for 'Makefile'.
>   Finished prerequisites of target file 'Makefile'.
>   Must remake target 'Makefile'.
>   Failed to remake target file 'Makefile'.

Reading the whole history, it seems that on your master branch there
are no Makefiles. If you don't specify the generator with the -G option
to cmake, it uses "Unix Makefiles" as the default on Linux. So to me
it seems, that cmake does not generate them for whatever reason.

The following line which I found in Brendan's first mail proofs that:

> -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

Can you run the following in the build directory from the command line:

  cmake <your-source-dir> --trace-expand 2>&1 | gzip > cmake.log.gz

and provide the resulting cmake.log.gz file? In case cmake encounters
some problems and cannot write Makefiles it usually writes a few more
lines to the console that contain names of files with information.
Those might also be helpful.



Thomas Baumgart

Computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes
--Edsger W. Dijkstra
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