inconsistency in displaying memo for split/transaction

Jack Ostroff ostroffjh at
Sat Dec 7 01:02:59 GMT 2024

In working recently with some reports, I've found behavior regarding  
memos which I did not expect, and find a bit odd.

To test, I created a new transaction, in the ledger for a cash  
account.  The memo I entered ended up only in that split, not in the  
transaction itself.  However, I know I have many transactions where  
there is definitely a memo in the transaction, with the same or  
different memos in one or more of the splits for that transaction.

1) since I can't seem to do it now, under what conditions is a memo  
entered for a transaction?

2) In the ledger, it seems that the memo displayed is the memo for the  
split for the ledger's account.  Other than seeing it in the "Show  
transactions detail" pop-up, is there any way to see a transaction's  
memo?  Am I correct that it is not currently possible to edit the  
transaction's memo?

3) In reports, it seems the memo displayed (if configured) is the one  
for the account of the split for the account used to include the  
transacation in the report.  (I'm not absolutely sure about this.)

4) I have a vague memory about needing to inform the user if editing a  
memo will affect one split and not the other (if they were the same in  
both prior to the edit.)  I do not remember whether that discussion  
resulted in any action, although I did find that I created also commented on is also related.

I am uncomfortable with there being fields which can get crated, but  
not edited, unless there is a good, intentional reason for it to be  

This is clearly not a new, or particularly high-priority issue, but I'm  
probably going to open a wishlist bug (or modify one of the above)   
with the following proposals:

1) anywhere a memo is displayed, it will be include both the  
transaction's memo, and the relevant split's memo (with some  
distinction, such as one being in parentheses or square brackets.)  One  
exception would (for example) be in the split editor, where only the  
split's memo is shown.  I'm not sure if there are other exceptions, but  
I don't rule them out.

2) create a way to edit the transaction's memo.

3) Do something (I'm open to suggesetions on exactly what to do) if a  
split's memo is the same as the transaction's memo.  I would say in  
that case the split's memo should be blank, but I'm not sure if there  
is any use case for one split's memo to match the transaction's memo  
and the other split's memo to be blank.  Unless someone can suggest a  
reason, I'll propose that the split's memo should be blank instead of  
being the same as the transaction's memo.

I'm posting all of this here for any initial discussion, although it  
might be reasonable to create an Issue on Invent for that.



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