Extremely strange OFX direct connect result

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Tue Jun 6 13:32:12 BST 2023

On Montag, 5. Juni 2023 20:36:47 CEST Jack via KMyMoney-devel wrote:

> I have two Vanguard accounts I have been tracking for several years  
> with OFX direct connect.  I recently noticed that neither of them has  
> actually downloaded any transactions since the end of last year,  
> although the download completes with no errors.  For one account, the  
> downloaded OFX result does include the latest price of the held  
> security but no transactions.  I have not yet contacted Vanguard to ask  
> if they have changed anything.
> However, just in case some connection detail changed, I unmapped one of  
> the accounts, and tried to re-map it.  Once I entered the login  
> credentials (same with or without using the Client Uuid) it showed me  
> two possible accounts to map - but both of those are FIDELITY accounts,  
> not Vanguard.  One of them is not mapped at all, and the other is  
> mapped in a different KMY data file.

If it shows you accounts after you entered the credentials during mapping
that means KMyMoney has successfully logged in and received data. After
that it is a matter of the bank. The only thing you can check is the 
URL of the server.

> I have no idea if this is a problem with the OFX mapping data,  
> something going on at Vanguard, or KMM doing something strange.  Other  
> than running Wireshark to see what is actually happening during the  
> mapping process, does anyone have any clue how a request to Vanguard  
> could end up returning info about accounts at Fidelity?

Good questions. It would be one for the people at your institution(s).



Thomas Baumgart

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