Jenkins build for MacOS failing

Jack Ostroff ostroffjh at
Fri Jul 14 22:00:58 BST 2023

The MacOS build of KMyMoney on Jenkins has been failing for a week.    
There is also a report on Discuss of the MacOS version not running  
(Could not initialize KBanking online banking interface, but we're  
still trying to get at the full stdout console output)  but it's not at  
all clear whether these are related or not.
The build seems to fail while building aqbanking with

18:48:30  dyld[83380]: Library not loaded: libbrotlienc.1.dylib
18:48:30    Referenced from:  

but I have no idea what to do with that info, as I have basically no  
MacOS experience.

Any suggestions on how to proceed?



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