Specifying investment import accounts

Jack ostroffjh at users.sourceforge.net
Sat Jun 18 23:42:48 BST 2022

On 2022.06.18 17:01, Samantha Ahuja via KMyMoney-devel wrote:
> Hello,
> thanks for your work on this great software. I have a question  
> regarding investment importing options that are not apparent in the  
> wizard and are problem known only or mostly by developers. Normally  
> it asks you to pick which two accounts to use in the importing dialog  
> after doing the field matchup, but I was able to put “Account  
> Name:investment1” in the csv header. It was recognized and only asked  
> me for the checking account. Is it possible to specify the checking  
> account separately in the csv as well? Ideally I would like to  
> specify different account combinations per transaction line. Can any  
> other data be specified in the cab that is not shown in the import  
> wizard? Such as tags?  Thank you!

Unfortunately, I do not believe you can enter the second account in the  
csv file itself.  You need to understand that when you import a data  
file, you are importing it to a single account.  In your case, this is  
the investment account.  The thing that makes this different from  
importing, for example, a checking account, is that an investment  
account is associated with a brokerage account, which does happen to be  
a checking account.  If any of the investment transactions involve  
using or generating cash, that split is associated with the brokerage  
account, so the importer may ask you to identify a checking account.   
Eventually, after many imports, there will be enough transactions using  
that brokerage account, that the importer will be able to figure out to  
use it without having to ask.

This is all an unintended consequence of KMM Investments not being able  
to hold cash, and thus needing an associated brokerage account.  There  
is a wishlist bug filed requesting that be changed, but it would  
involve significant changes, and is not expected to be implemented any  
time soon.


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