A new "can't close account" problem

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Tue May 4 14:01:48 BST 2021

On Montag, 3. Mai 2021 20:25:04 CEST Jack wrote:

> I just made the last payment on a car loan.  The loan account now has a  
> value of $0.  Oddly, the scheduled transaction did not seem to know it  
> was done, and as there is no way to modify the scheduled transaction  
> for a loan (trying just invokes the load wizard) I just deleted the  
> scheduled transaction.  If I grep the account ID, I see the account  
> itself, the original split for the original loan, and the 48 splits for  
> the payments.
> First issue: looking at the transactions for those splits, things seem  
> inconsistent.  One example:
> <TRANSACTION postdate="2017-07-08" entrydate="2017-07-03"  
> id="T000000000000014072" memo="Bill Payment" commodity="USD">
>   <SPLITS>
>    <SPLIT number="" payee="" reconcileflag="2" bankid="ID  
> 20170630AF190313910014310-1" value="-25783/50" account="A000150"  
> id="S0001" memo="" action="" reconciledate="2017-06-30"  
> shares="-25783/50" price="1/1"/>
>    <SPLIT number="" payee="" reconcileflag="2" bankid=""  
> value="25783/50" account="A000458" id="S0002" memo=""  
> action="Amortization" reconciledate="2018-05-20" shares="25783/50"  
> price="1/1"/>
>   </SPLITS>
> Looking at the ledger for either the loan account or the paying account  
> (a checking account which is actually a brokerage account) I do NOT see  
> "Bill Payment" or "Amortization" anywhere, even though they probably  
> were in the originally imported transactions.  Also, that memo and  
> action appear inconsistently across all 48 transactions.  I don't think  
> those differences are actually causing any problems, but I'm curious  
> about the inconsistency and why I don't see those memos or actions in  
> the ledger anywhere.

They might come because the transaction was entered with an older version
of KMyMoney. The memo used to be stored with the transaction which we don't
do anymore (it's now with the split). If that is of interest, we can add
a file_fix for that.

The text in the 'action' attribute is only used internally and never displayed.

> Separately, I think I may have discovered the reason I can't close the  
> account.  For the loan account, I see
>      <PAIR key="compoundingFrequency" value="32"/>
>      <PAIR key="final-payment" value="27/100"/>
>      <PAIR key="fixed-interest" value="yes"/>
>      <PAIR key="iban" value=""/>
>      <PAIR key="interest-calculation" value="paymentReceived"/>
>      <PAIR key="ir-2017-06-08" value="0/1"/>
>      <PAIR key="lastImportedTransactionDate" value="2021-05-02"/>
>      <PAIR key="lastStatementBalance" value="0/1"/>
>      <PAIR key="loan-amount" value="495039/20"/>
>      <PAIR key="payee" value=""/>
>      <PAIR key="periodic-payment" value="25783/50"/>
>      <PAIR key="reconciliationHistory"  
> value="2021-01-31:-206291/100;2021-03-31:-103159/100;2021-05-01:0/1"/>
>      <PAIR key="schedule" value="SCH000033"/>
>      <PAIR key="term" value="48"/>

KMyMoney checks for:

   - balance is zero
   - doesn't have online mapping
   - all child accounts must be closed
   - no schedule references the account

In case all of those are true, the account can be closed.

> Minor note: I did modify the final payment to be 4/30/21 instead of  
> 5/2/21, and to be the periodic-payment plus the final-payment.  I hope  
> this isn't making KMM think there really is one more payment left, even  
> though it knows the balance is now $0.

I don't think that this has any influence.

> Why is the value for "schedule" still there, when I deleted the  
> scheduled transaction?  When I did that, there was a note of caution  
> that I would not be able to re-create the schedule later.  First, is  
> this the the reason I can't close the account, and second, is this  
> actually a bug?

In fact, this should be deleted. It does not hurt either as far as I remember.



Thomas Baumgart

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