what sets the default online price source?

Jack ostroffjh at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Feb 4 18:43:41 GMT 2021

On 2021.02.04 05:37, Thomas Baumgart wrote:
> Jack,
> On Mittwoch, 3. Februar 2021 23:30:57 CET Jack wrote:
> > When an ofx direct connect update includes the purchase of a new
> > security, it always gets set up with stooq as the online price  
> source.
> > I did use this for a brief period of time long ago, but have not
> > intentionally used it in a long time.   I end up having to grep my  
> data
> > file every time new stocks get added just to be sure I've caught all
> > instances and changed them to my preferred source.  I can't figure  
> out
> > why it is choosing this particular source as the default.  Thanks  
> for
> > any pointers to where I can find and configure this.
> In MyMoneyStatementReader::processSecurityEntry(...) there is a line  
> that says:
>     security.setValue("kmm-online-source", "Stooq");
> which is in the part that creates new securities. No configuration  
> item (yet) available.
> I can imagine that this is the location you look for.
> Another spot is in bool WebPriceQuote::launchCSV(...) where it says
>   // for historical exchange rates we switch to Stooq
>   if (sourcename == QLatin1String("KMyMoney Currency"))
>     sourcename = QLatin1String("Stooq Currency");
> Hope that helps.
Thanks.  At some point, I'm going to file two new wishlist bugs.   
First, allow the default price source to be configurable (probably a  
check box in the Prices configuration dialog?).  Second, to add a  
configuation item allowing the user to prevent any automatic creation  
of new securities during data import.  I seem to get lots of cases  
where the security name (from Merrill Lynch) is just different enough  
from when the security was originally added, that I import a sale - but  
it uses a new security, so I still have the old one with X shares, and  
now the new one with -x shares.  It's not difficult to fix, but it's  
certainly annoying.  Also, the default for a new security is two digits  
of price precision, and this often leads to incorrect numbers due to  
rounding from four digits down to two on that initial import.

At least I know where I can change this for my own version.


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