Question regarding data entry

Thomas Baumgart thb at
Fri Mar 13 10:20:17 GMT 2020


I am investigating and have a bit of an issue I don't know how to resolve. It's not programming wise but more data entry and processing wise. I don't want to discuss this as part of the bug right now, because it is not completely related to the bug and a more general question. Results from this discussion may go back to the bug-entry once we have clarity.

The current transaction editor always uses the transaction commodity as the currency for all data fields. The above mentioned bug requests to change this behavior so that the currency of a selected category will be used instead. This makes perfectly sense and could even be made configurable in a second step. In order to visualize that data entry is based on a different currency to the user I added the currency symbol to the amount field in this case.

Here's how this will look like when editing a transaction in a USD based account and switching the category between EUR (upper) and USD (lower) image.

This works pretty good but gets confusing when one selects an account denominated in a different currency instead of a category. My current code does not differentiate between the two but I think it is confusing if you select an account in USD and want enter a transfer into an account denominated in EUR and you would have to enter the value in EUR instead of USD.

So would it make sense to keep the old behavior for transfers into other accounts at this point or is there anyone having another idea? I am trying to avoid to make this selectable by the user because I think this is even more confusing.

I cc'ed the original poster of the bug entry because I don't know if he's on the list.

The discussion is open.



Thomas Baumgart       Signal, the better WhatsApp
BTW, just the planning of the test cases helped me
to improve the code a lot. -- Alvaro Soliverez

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