Fwd: Re: Unable to delete some kmy categories which are greyed out, first posted on Fri Jul 24, 2020 3:05 pm

Jack ostroffjh at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Jul 31 17:42:31 BST 2020


The nesting is getting hard to read, but I see two separate issues  

On 2020.07.31 10:50, lampsh8de wrote:
> Thanks for your reply.
> Please see further annotated comments for your attention:
> First -  It seems a category cannot be deleted if it is the default  
> category for a payee.  That seems to be why all these categories  
> cannot be deleted.
> "Okay, this meansthat the removing of all associations (including  
> payee) would allow category deletion? How do I trace and remove payee  
> associations? Trust this is a straightforward process?"

Unfortunately, I don't know any easy way to do this within the UI.   
I'll consider filing a wishlist, both to find payees for which a  
category is the default, and to improve the information about why a  
category can't be deleted (one might already exist.).  The way you can  
do it now, is to grep your data file.  For example, "grep A000111  
KMyMoney_Data_test.anon.xml" gives me
   <PAYEE id="P002488" name="P002488" reference="" matchignorecase="1"  
usingmatchkey="1" email="" matchingenabled="1"  
matchkey="^xxxx&xxxx$" defaultaccountid="A000111">
   <PAYEE id="P002504" name="P002504" reference="" matchignorecase="1"  
usingmatchkey="1" email="" matchingenabled="1" matchkey="^xxxxxxx$"  
as well as other lines.  The 'defaultaccountid="A000111"' is the key -  
and the id=P00nnnn at the beginning tells you which payee.  In a real  
file, you would use the name instead of id.  They are the same here,  
just because it is an anonymized file.  If your data file is xxx.kmy,  
you would need to "cp xxx.kmy xxx.xml.gz" then "gunzip xxx.xml.gz" and  
grep against the resulting xxx.xml.

> A000111 is default category for P002488 and P002504, and removing  
> those
> default categories enables delete for that category.
> Delete is not enabled for Category A000004, even after is becomes
> enable for A000111.
> "At no stage did I want to delete any category before moving its  
> contents. This all started because I was prevented from deleting  
> categories which appeared to have zero content. The delete option  
> being greyed out. I didn’t know about the payee associations. In the  
> absence of this knowledge, the workaround I employed was to move the  
> 5 sub-categories (A000111, A000057, 088, 106 and A000005), which I  
> couldn't delete,into a freshly created parent category. I had  
> actually given up on my attempt to delete these categories and was  
> merely tidying up by putting themall in one place. But Ithen wondered  
> what would happen if I then tried to delete my freshlycreated parent  
> category which contained these5 sub-categories. To my surprise and  
> pleasure, the delete option for this main category and the 5  
> sub-categories was now possible. The option of deleting the  
> sub-categorieswas now possible via deletion of the main category (see  
> attached screen shot of dialogue that opens after right-clicking main  
> category and selecting delete)."
Yes, I got the same popup, but after clicking to delete all of them, I  
got a second message that they could not all be deleted, so either  
cancel or move them up a level.
> A000053 (delete disabled)  is subcategory of A000018 (delete enabled)
> A000057, 088, and 106 are each the default category for one or three
> Payees.
> A000005 is a default category for Payee 002440.
> Trying to delete category A000046 first asked which other category to  
> assigne associated transactions, and then said that there were sub  
> categoreis which could not be deleted, and to proceed, they would be  
> made subcategories of Exmpense.
> "This is not what I wanted to do nor did I try to do so."
> Are you sure that when you deleted a parent category, the undeletable  
> subcategory was really deleted along with it, or was it just moved up  
> to a top level expense category?
> "The only parent category that I tried and succeeded in deletingwas  
> the one that I freshly created."
I think all the rest is related.  In my case, when I deleted a  
category, if it had a subcategory which was not directly deletable,  
then the subcategory was NOT deleted - either it was moved to the top  
level or the parent category was not deleted either.  So I ask again,  
can you confirm you deleted a category (top level, newly created,  
empty) and a subjcategory (which could not be deleted because it was  
the default category for some payee) was also deleted, and not just  
moved up a level in the category hierarchy?  If you did, and we can  
repeat it, I think it counts as a bug.
> On 31/07/2020 07:43, Thomas Baumgart wrote:
>> FYI, since you are not subscribed to the list.
>> ----------  Forwarded Message  ----------
>> Subject: Re: Unable to delete some kmy categories which are greyed  
>> out, first posted on Fri Jul 24, 2020 3:05 pm
>> Date: Donnerstag, 30. Juli 2020, 22:21:22 CEST
>> From: Jack <ostroffjh at users.sourceforge.net>
>> To: kmymoney-devel at kde.org
>> On 2020.07.30 10:21, lampsh8de wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Please find attached file as requested. The problem categories
>>> relating to the above post are as follows:
>>> 1 sub-category of A000004 (A000111)
>>> 3 sub-categories of A000053 (A000057, 088, 106)
>>> 1 sub-category of A000046 (A000005)
>>> Thanks for looking at this.
>> (I'm using KMM compiled from git head of 5.1 branch)
>> First -  It seems a category cannot be deleted if it is the default
>> category for a payee.  That seems to be why all these categories  
>> cannot
>> be deleted.
>> A000111 is default category for P002488 and P002504, and removing  
>> those
>> default categories enables delete for that category.
>> Delete is not enabled for Category A000004, even after is becomes
>> enable for A000111.
>> A000053 (delete disabled)  is subcategory of A000018 (delete enabled)
>> A000057, 088, and 106 are each the default category for one or three
>> Payees.
>> A000005 is a default category for Payee 002440.
>> Trying to delete category A000046 first asked which other category to
>> assigne associated transactions, and then said that there were sub
>> categoreis which could not be deleted, and to proceed, they would be
>> made subcategories of Exmpense.
>> Are you sure that when you deleted a parent category, the undeletable
>> subcategory was really deleted along with it, or was it just moved up
>> to a top level expense category?
>> Question for the developers: when you delete a category, it asks what
>> other category to assign associated transactions to.  Is there any
>> reason not to reassign payee default categories (and scheduled
>> transactions) in the same way?

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