segnala un bug

Jack ostroffjh at
Sat Feb 8 14:11:00 GMT 2020

On 2/8/20 3:19 AM, enzo.montanari at wrote:
> Buongiorno, la versione aggiornata non legge più il mio file .kmy
> Come posso recuperarlo e utilizzarlo con la nuova versione?
> Grazie
 From Google Translate: Hi, the updated version no longer reads my .kmy 
file. How can I recover it and use it with the new version? Thank you

It depends on what the problem is.  What are the old and new versions?  
What platform are you using (Linux, Windows, ...?)  Is there any error 
message?  Can you run from the console, in case there is more 
information displayed that way?
Without knowing more, we don't know if the problem is accessing the file 
(network issue,) actually reading the file (corruption,) or some 
difference in the versions.  The last is not very likely; I don't think 
there have been any changes to the internal format of the .kmy file in a 
long time.


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