How to build a different branch (5.1 vs. Master)

Jack ostroffjh at
Sun Aug 2 16:54:41 BST 2020

On 8/2/20 11:41 AM, Joel Madero wrote:
> How do I build 5.1 instead of master? Want to do a bit more
> debugging/testing but my Ubuntu repo is still on 5.0 and from what I can
> tell, there's no official PPA anywhere for kmymoney so I can hop to 5.1
> easily.
> Thanks!

How did you get the source for master?  If you are using git, you just 
need "git checkout 5.1"

kmymoney does not have its own PPA, but there used to be one with up to 
date versions for most Ubuntu versions.  I'd have to search for the name.

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