[kmymoney] [Bug 419820] won't load

Thomas Baumgart bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
Wed Apr 8 07:51:27 BST 2020


--- Comment #7 from Thomas Baumgart <tbaumgart at kde.org> ---
In case the filesize itself seems to be OK, one can check the contents of the
file with:

  % file xxx.kmy

where xxx is your file name. This should in case of a valid .kmy file provide
you with the following or similar output:

  xxx.kmy: gzip compressed data, was "", last modified: Thu Aug 15 15:17:07
2019, from Unix

The gzip compression is what it needs. In case that is OK, the next step could
be to check the contents. Proceed as follows in a console window:

  % zcat xxx.kmy > xxx.xml
  % xmllint xxx.xml

This dumps the (XML) contents of xxx.xml to the console if the file is not
corrupted. In other cases you see error messages. If that is also OK, then your
data seems to be safe. (You sure have kept a backup of it somewhere, just in
case). The next step is to go around the GNC importer. Start KMyMoney from the
command line with the -n option. Open the settings, go to the plugins page and
deselect the GnuCash importer. Then try to open your file.

Don't forget to cleanup:

  % rm xxx.xml

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