I found another mystery payee

Jack ostroffjh at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Oct 1 00:26:53 BST 2019

My OFX importing of all my Merrill Lynch accounts seems to constantly  
create incorrect payees, which I usually manage to correct immediately  
after the import, and then I delete all unused payees.  Sometimes,  
however, it seems a payee gets created which is not visible anywhere in  
the UI of the program, except for the Payee View.

In the Payee View, I have a Payee with the name "Short Term Capital  
certainly taken from an OFX imported investment transaction.  There are  
no transactions listed for that Payee.  However, if I try to delete the  
payee, I get the message that it cannot be deleted because it is still  
referred to by a transaction.  I grep the xml file and find the payee  
id and then grep for that payee id in any transactions.   It is only  
found in one transaction, but not as the payee in any split - it is  
only within a key/value pair for kmm-matched-tx.  I suppose this means  
I somehow imported the transaction twice, and matched the two, but the  
payee was only created for one of them.

My question now is whether there is anything I can do to fix this,  
other than manually edit the data file.   Once I accepted the match, it  
seems there is no indication in the UI that there ever was a match for  
that transaction, even though the details of it are still within the  

As usual, thanks for any suggestions.


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