is there a command that we can run to load all dependencies

Andrew Ho andrewho at
Thu Nov 7 16:25:23 GMT 2019

The following is the dependence lists when I compiled kmymoney in fedora.

dnf install desktop-file-utils doxygen gettext gpgmepp-devel gmp-devel 
libical-devel libofx-devel -y
dnf install kdiagram-devel qt5-qtwebkit-devel qt5-qtbase-devel qt5-devel 
qt5-qtsensors-devel qt5-qtwebchannel-devel -y
dnf install qt5-qtbase-gui qt5-qtsvg-devel qt5-qtwebkit-devel 
qt5-qtspeech qt5-qtx11extras-devel qt5-qtdeclarative-devel 
qt5-qtwebchannel-devel qt5-qtlocation-devel -y
dnf install qt5-qtsensors-devel qt5-qtwebengine-devel kf5-karchive-devel 
kf5-kdoctools-devel kf5-kitemmodels-devel kf5-kholidays-devel -y
dnf install kf5-kcontacts-devel kf5-akonadi-server-devel 
kf5-kidentitymanagement-devel kf5-kactivities-devel  -y
dnf install kf5-kross-devel kf5-knotifications-devel kf5-gpgmepp-devel 
kf5-kdewebkit-devel kf5-kcmutils-devel libalkimia-devel 
gwenhywfar-gui-qt5-devel -y
dnf install libappstream-glib gpgmepp-devel qgpgme-devel sqlite-devel 
aqbanking-devel -y
dnf install ktoblzcheck-devel libxml2-devel glibmm24-devel python2-devel -y

# The following is  for fedora 30 and fedora 31

dnf install qt5-qtbase-private-devel -y

On 2019-11-07 10:44 a.m., Jack wrote:
> On 2019.11.07 03:08, Ralf Habacker wrote:
>> Am 07.11.19 um 07:40 schrieb Thomas Baumgart:
>>> Hi,
>>> On Donnerstag, 7. November 2019 04:31:07 CET jvapr27 at wrote:
>>>  > I ran a cmake (after re-installing only gnome on my laptop). Then 
>>> this
>> <snip>
>>>  > Do we need all of these?
>>>  > Is there a command we can run to load all the KDE dependencies 
>>> for this project?
>>> Not that I know of, but I am not an expert at that point. Maybe 
>>> someone else does.
>> From my openSUSE knowledge this is normally done by installing the 
>> related source packages, which fetches and installs all required 
>> development packages too e.g. by running
>> zypper si kmymoney
> Any such command is going to be diistribution specific.  Also, actual 
> package names are also distro specific.  And, as Ralf hinted at, you 
> generally need the -devel versions of dependencies if you are going to 
> compile KMyMoney yourself.  If you use apt, I believe there is a 
> command to install the devel dependencies, but not the package itself.
> In addition, the dependencies you need depend on the options you 
> choose to enable.  For example, I use libofx for online banking, so I 
> do need libofx itself, but I do not need aqbanking or gwenhywfar.
> I suppose it would be good if someone would go through CMakeLists.txt 
> and extract and separate the required deps and the optional ones.  
> I'll add it to my list, but I have no idea how soon I would actually 
> get to it.
> Jack

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