OFX Import Matching Problem

Brendan Coupe brendan at coupeware.com
Fri Jun 21 21:55:29 BST 2019

I'm running a week old build from the 5.0 branch on Fedora 29.

When I download my savings account transaction using online banking
the paycheck frequently matches with a very old paycheck. This results
in the splits being way off.

This happens when the amount of the new paycheck is not very close to
the most recent paycheck which has been happening a lot lately due to
reimbursed business expanses.

On the import tab of the ledge settings I have tried setting "Match
transaction within days" from 7 days (paycheck is weekly) to 30 days
and the same thing happens. KMM is definitely matching transactions
that are much more than 30 days old. In fact the transaction that it
matched was only $0.01 closer to the new transaction than the previous
paycheck (difference was $8.29 versus $8.30). The transaction it
matched is over 18 months old. It appears to be ignoring the "Match
transaction within days" setting. it's simply matching the transaction
from the same payee that is closest in value.

I'm pretty sure this is fairly new behavior but I'm not sure if it
started with the initial version of KMM5 that I used or more recently.

Brendan Coupe

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