debugging ofx file import

Jack ostroffjh at
Mon Jan 14 19:31:25 GMT 2019

On 1/14/19 1:46 PM, Ralf Habacker wrote:
> Am 14.01.19 um 19:21 schrieb Jack:
>>>> Any suggestions to what I might be missing would be appreciated.
>>> Not really. I don't know why the debugger does not stop for you. It
>>> does for me here. Are you sure you use plugins that have been
>>> compiled with debug symbols and support? Not that you use some older
>>> ones.
>> Sort of but not quite.  For some reason, it was loading the plugins
>> installed in the system with the distro package, not using the ones it
>> had just compiled for the debug.  I kicked off a new (debug, not
>> release with debug info) build, and just have not yet gotten to try it
>> yet.  So - the plugin it was actually running did not have the debug
>> info included.  I only discovered that when I first did "info break"
>> in the debug session, and saw all my breakpoints were still PENDING.
>> I then had gdb show me the loaded libraries, and saw it was not the
>> ones I expected.
> The patch from should help.
Thanks Ralph, and I'll give it a try, but I had thought an IDE 
(QT-Creator in this case) would know where things are, since it insists 
on compiling the whole project before starting to debug it.

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