Differences between Releases from 4.8 and 5.0

ralf.habacker at freenet.de ralf.habacker at freenet.de
Thu Aug 29 17:29:58 BST 2019

Hello, everybody,

I would like to share a list with the state of differences between 4.8 and 5.0 versions.

This first list contains fixed bugs, most of which have been fixed in 4.8 and ported to 5.0: 


The second list contains the outstanding tickets: 


The following specifications were made:
- Tickets that have been checked and for which it makes sense in my opinion to port to version 5 were/are marked with 'Version5+'. 
- Tickets that are not relevant for version 5 are marked with 'Version5-' and disappear from the list.
- Tickets that have already been checked, but for which it is currently not possible to determine whether they are relevant for version 5, should be marked 'Version_5?' 
- Tickets that have already been ported to version 5 will be given the corresponding version number (e.g. 4.8.x,5.0.1) in the 'Fixed Version in' field, which can easily be checked with gitk .
- All other unmarked tickets have not yet been checked.

The advantage of editing tickets from this list is that users of version 5 do not have to report them repeatedly and unnecessarily if they have not yet been fixed.

Yours sincerely

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