Transactions missing, in reports and when I tried to save As

Thomas Baumgart thb at
Fri Aug 16 12:09:43 BST 2019

On Freitag, 16. August 2019 09:41:03 CEST Everton Danilo wrote:

> Should I opened a bug? where? thanks

I think not yet, this is more a user question/problem. In case we will find a bug analyzing your situation, we will open one.

> Guys,
> (I used mysql database and KMY 4.8.3)
> I imported about 10 years of personal transactions in KMY, for that I setup
> accounts and used the CSV import feature (which works nicely). To validate
> my imported data I used mysql, then after some validation I decided to save
> db as KMY_data_file and.. the generated result data doesn't have all my
> transactions, transactions stopped at 23/07/2019 and today is 16/aug..

10 years does not say a lot. See the 'File/File information' dialog. The largest number usually is splits. I have around 20.000 now in 7400 transactions for 16+ years. But I also have a file containing 13000 transactions and 35000 splits. All no problem to load and maintain.

> So, I have been thinking:
> - Does Kmymoney load all data in a “data reader” to then save as KMY data
> file? in this case it couldn't load all data? 

KMyMoney keeps all data in RAM. It will tell you if it can't load all of it. I doubt that you have that much data, since it does so even when you use the database backend.

> - There is a limit of transactions that can be “saved as”?

Only the end of RAM. KMyMoney does not have internal limitations. 

> Plus:
> - I had similar behavior when I tried to generate reports, some of my latest
> transactions weren’t coming on report (in this case I was using just mysql
> without back and forth with file types) So, this might be a case where KMY
> try to retrieve data and a kind of “data reader” is overload. My guess. (I
> tested this case in many KMY versions 4.8.4, 5.0.4, etc.)

Rest assured, there is no overload happening. The cause of what you experience must be something else.

You can look at the .kmy file (it's gzipped XML) and check if the data you are looking for is contained.

If you can find any pecularities, please report them here. Please mention the version you do this with as separate people are maintaining the 4.8 and 5.0 branch.

Hope that helps





Thomas Baumgart       Signal, the better WhatsApp
The only 'intuitive' interface is the nipple. After that, it's all learned.
 -- Bruce Ediger, bediger at, on X interfaces
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