Upcoming KMyMoney release 5.0.2

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Wed Sep 12 21:34:58 BST 2018


On Sonntag, 2. September 2018 15:32:54 CEST Thomas Baumgart wrote:

> Hi,
> the KMyMoney dev team is preparing the 5.0.2 bug-fix release. All the changes are on the 5.0 stable branch already and strings should be in a fairly stable state already. We are now focusing on release tests. The timeline wrt translation is:
> 2018-09-08: string freeze

I forgot to officially announce the string freeze which is effective. No string changes have been added to the stable repo during the last couple of days, so I think we are still safe.

> 2018-09-22: tar ball creation, build tests
> 2018-09-23: release
> Any comments are always welcome. In case you see any blockers please let us know.



Thomas Baumgart

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