Program update from 4.8.2 to version 5 on windows 10

Jack ostroffjh at
Fri Oct 5 17:36:26 BST 2018

On 2018.10.05 07:22, Mariusz Nowicki wrote:
> Witam serdecznie,   Mam pytanie, kiedy nastąpi aktualizacja programu  
> w polskiej wersji (Polska) dla Windows 10 z wersji 4.8.2 do wersji 5.  
> (plik exe.)?   Będę wdzięczny z góry za szybką odpowiedź.   Z  
> poważaniem,  Mariusz Nowicki  Poland
Google translate says: Hello, I have a question when the program will  
be updated in Polish version (Poland) for Windows 10 from version 4.8.2  
to version 5. (exe file.)? I will grateful in advance for a quick  


I give the same answer I gave to the same question you asked  
yesterday:  The upcoming 5.0.2 release will include a Windows  
installer. Unfortunately, the team has recently discovered a serious  
problem with the SQL back end.  The developers are working on this, but  
there is currently no estimate of how long it will take.

Any announcements about work on this issue will probably be reported on  
this list, so this is the best place to watch for news.

What I should add from yesterday is that I do not know whether there  
will be a Polish translation available.  As far as I understand,  
looking at the translation teams web pages, the program should have a  
Polish translation available, but possibly not the handbook.

If anyone else knows how to check for the translations, I'd appreciate  
the links.


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