kmymoney encryption for windows.

Jack ostroffjh at
Mon Oct 1 17:41:35 BST 2018


I am making the assumption that you don't have an actual problem, but  
that you just do not understand how to make everything work to be able  
to encrypt your kmy file.

Do you understand that KMM itself does not do encryption?  It relies on  
having gpg installed.  As Thomas said, you need to first install gpg.   
(I'm not certain where the best source of this package is for Windows,  
perhaps another Windows user can make a suggestion.)  Then, once you  
have gpg installed, you need to generate a key pair.  Instructions for  
doing that should come with the gpg package.  I strongly suggest  
reading all the initial instructions for using that package, so you  
understand about public and private keys, and how encryption works, at  
least in general.

Once that is done, open your data file in KMM.  Select File/Save  
As...  From here, the exact dialogs and choices depend on which version  
of KMM you are running.  Since you are on Windows, you have 4.8.x.  I  
only have a more recent 5.0.1 available, so the process will not be  
exactly the same.  Ask more questions if you still need help.  In 5.0.1  
you then need to choose XML as the storage type.  You should then get a  
dialog related to encryption.  There should be a drop-down listing all  
the keys that gpg finds.  If you just created your personal key pair,  
there should only be that key on the list.  When you click OK, you  
should then be prompted for the file name.  I would advise using a  
different name from your unencrypted file, at least until you are sure  
you can close and reopen the encrypted version without any problems.

Again - ask more questions if this is not enough information to get you  


On 2018.09.30 15:11, Αλέξανδρος Κασφίκης wrote:
> It makes no sense.
> Sent from BlueMail<>
> On 30 Sep 2018, at 7:08 pm, Thomas Baumgart  
> <thb at<mailto:thb at>> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sonntag, 23. September 2018 22:54:02 CEST ?????????? ????????  
> wrote:
> > Hi there.
> >
> >
> > Is it possible to explain to me how to encrypt my kmm financial  
> file? I really don't understand how to do it.
> You need GPG installed on your system. It might not work out of the  
> box (see for example) but  
> we are working on it. Anyway, you need to make sure you have a  
> working GPG installation and a set of personal keys (private and  
> public) before you can think about encrypting your KMyMoney data.
> Hope that gets you started.
> Thomas
> --
> Regards
> Thomas Baumgart
> Signal, the better WhatsApp
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> 'Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons.'
> -Popular Mechanics, 1949
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